"Dean’s presentations break the space time continuum. Each time, he opens a new black hole."

- Attendee, UXPA Boston Annual Conference

"Your presentation skills are OFF THE CHART!"

- Attendee, DevSum (Stockholm, Sweden)

"Dean’s session was just, Wouhaaaaahhhh!"

- Conference Organizer, Dev Days Belgium

"I will be watching Dean’s presentation every week for the rest of my career."

- Attendee, PM Digital Summit

"Dean’s talk was great. A true keynote with a very important message."

- Conference Organizer, UX Sofia

"Dean’s talk was the best in the conference!"

- Attendee, Build Stuff Lithuania

"Pure gold."

- Attendee, The DevOps Conference

"HUGE presentation. Best of the entire week!"

- Attendee, DevWeek Europe

"I covered highlights from the conference and mentioned some of the presentations that people really liked (based on our survey results) and of course your presentation was mentioned the most! :)"

- Conference Organizer, CHPRMS

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